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New Date for Check-in/Walkthrough

Posted Date: 8/01/24 (9:30 PM)

New Date for Check-in/Orientation

Because of our construction delays, we have been forced to move our check-in/walkthrough day. Mark your calendars; our new date and time is Tuesday, 8/13, from 3pm to 5pm. The event will take place in the multiuse room (lunch room)

In order to minimize traffic and parking issues we suggest the following time schedule, though you can feel free to arrive at another time if your schedule doesn’t permit:

3pm: TK, K (orientation at 3pm, then walkthrough at 3:30)

3:30pm: 1st & 2nd grade

4:00pm: 3rd and 4th grade

4:30pm: 5th grade

We understand that changes like this without much notice can strain family schedules. Please consider this an optional walkthrough event. It is an opportunity to see the renovated campus (note that landscaping will not be complete), and to walk with your child to see where their classroom will be and where they line up in the morning. All families will be able to see their child’s teacher in Aeries and on Parentsquare by 8/12. Please note that while some teachers may still be on campus, this is not meant to be a time to meet teachers. We will have a back-to-school night on 8/27 for that purpose.

IMPORTANT:  Since this event is optional, it is especially important that all families complete the following items online before the first day of school. These are items we would traditionally verify all families have done at walkthrough. Any student whose family has not completed items 2 and 3 after the first day of school will not be able to have their child attend on day 2. We humbly request all families complete item 1, even if they feel like they won’t qualify:

  1. Free and Reduced Meal Application

  2. Data Confirmation

  3. Residency Re-Verification

We will have staff at the walkthrough to assist you with these items if you need it, including bilingual support. I’ve included more information details about these three required items below.

Food and Fun from PTA

Our amazing Morello Park PTA will be present at this event and has offered to provide some opportunities for food and fun. They will be selling Eagle's spirit wear and tickets to upcoming events. Come hungry because they have also arranged for the Primavera food truck to be in attendance, which is a great way to support the PTA. PTA will also be handing out free otter pops to everyone who visits their table!

Free and Reduced Meal Application

We request that ALL families complete the free and reduced meal application, regardless of whether you think your family will qualify. This is an important source of funding for your Martinez schools, and we want to make sure everyone who could possibly benefit is able to. 

Please fill out the application at the following link: Free and Reduced Meal Application

If you prefer, you can also send your child to school with a paper application filled out:

Printable Free & Reduced Meal Application

Data Confirmation and Residency Re-verification

Please don’t forget to complete your annual data confirmation and address verification. Both will need to be completed prior to the first day of school on Aug. 14th.

To complete the data confirmation process please visit your Aeries Parent Portal. The portal is now open to allow you access. 

To complete your residency re-verification please send your documents to:  

This document outlines the approved proof of residency documents. Current documents from group 2 and group 3 are required for verification. As a reminder, utility bills are not accepted. If you need a copy of your current property tax bill, please contact the Tax Collector’s Office at (925) 957-5280 and request a hard copy be emailed to you. There are no fees associated with this request. We do not accept the “internet copy” of the property tax bill.