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Informational Meeting for Provisional Appointment 1.8.25

Posted Date: 1/07/25 (7:00 PM)

The MUSD Board of Education is looking for applicants to fill a vacancy on the MUSD School Board.  The term for this position will run from January 27th through November of 2026, at which time the appointed member will either choose to run for reelection or step down. The candidate must live in Area 3 (see Trustee Area 3 Map). The seat became empty when former Board Member Llamas was elected to the Contra Costa County Office of Education School Board last November.

A meeting to explain the role of a school board member will be held this Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:00pm in the MUSD Board Room at 921 Susana Street. This meeting is optional for anyone who wants to apply for the provisional appointment.

Information on how to apply can be found on the MUSD Website.

The deadline to apply is January 17th at 4:00 p.m. You can apply online, but you must also send a signed paper copy to the District Office. You can drop it off or mail it. If you have any questions, please email Helen Rossi at or call Nikki Green, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at 925-335-5908.

Thank you,

Helen Rossi